Monday, October 6, 2008

Obama, Ayers and Wright

Some people claim that Barack Obama’s long running relationships with Reverend Wright and William Ayers are no big deal. These people are frickin’ morons. First of all, if Obama wants to be trusted with RUNNING America, then he needs to better explain why he socializes with an unrepentant terrorist who BLEW UP America – and how a professional politician – someone who NETWORKS for a fuckin’ living – could be so amazingly blind to Reverend Wright’s paranoid, anti-American diatribes in that goofy Church / Improv he kept attending? I know you Obamaphiles don’t wanna hear it, but this isn’t exactly an outrageous request. Shit, as far as Presidential requests go, it’s the frickin’ league minimum.

Look, do you think the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation would hire one of those wack-jobs from PETA as CEO? Or Stride Rite would name as brand manager someone who sits on the same board as the chairman of NAMBLA? Or Jimmy Dean-brand sausages would turn its corporate vision over to someone who lists a Nation of Islam minister as his religious advisor? Hey, maybe they would. Maybe they ALL would. Maybe it’s all an innocent misunderstanding. But for the love of God / Allah, I’m sure they’d at least ASK: “Say, mister – before we give ya the keys to the KFC executive bathroom and share with ya the Colonial’s super-secret recipe of 11 herbs and spices, couldja please let us know why you’ve got a stack of ‘Meat Is Murder’ pamphlets in your briefcase and fake blood in your car?” It just MGHT be a pertinent question during that whole employment interview. Y’know what I mean?

Shit, I don’t expect much from the U.S. government, but can’t we have standards AT LEAST as rigorous for becoming President of the United States as we do for selling fried chicken, children’s shoes, and repulsive, mass-produced sausages?


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