Thursday, August 28, 2008

White Republican men, John Edwards, and women in politics

Year after year, the Republicans nominate white men for President. And that must be because their white men are just SO AWESOME. By contrast, the Democrats have TERRIBLE white men. That’s why their current nominee is a black guy – and a frickin’ woman was runner-up. In fact, the Democrat’s top white guy in the ’08 primaries was John Edwards – the ultra-rich, ultra-effeminate trial lawyer who cheated on his cancer-stricken wife. JOHN EDWARDS was the best they could do.

No wonder white men vote Republican; it’s the only major party left where the white men in it aren’t complete pussies. I mean, say what you want about John McCain and George W. Bush – they might be short-tempered and short-witted (respectively) – but at least they’re not pussies.

John Edwards?! C’mon. Try harder next time.

Anyhoo, I’m kinda comforted by the fact that this country would rather elect a black guy than a woman. Y’know what I mean? It really shows us where we are as a nation. Everyone pretty much agrees that racism ain’t cool no more… but sexism is still Ok. Eh, it gives us guys something to joke about at the office.


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