Saturday, November 8, 2008

Christians, alcohol and lesbians

I met an ultra-devout Christian the other day who believes drinking alcohol is immoral. Isn’t that kinda strange? Because if you actually read the Bible, you’ll notice that the Good Book NEVER forbids alcohol consumption. And hell, Jesus Christ once explicitly turned water into wine! I’m sure if alcohol was really immoral, Jesus would’ve turned the water into apple juice, or something. But I think there’s lots of meddlesome Christian who believe that alcohol SHOULD be illegal – so they try to come up with some harebrained theory that forbids alcohol consumption, arguing that, OK, when Jesus turned water into wine, it must’ve been nonalcoholic wine. Which is just ABSURD, of course; if Jesus showed up at a dinner party with nonalcoholic wine in 22 A.D., everyone there would’ve kicked his skinny little ass back to Galilee. It would be like throwing a bachelor party… and bringing over a key of O’Doul’s. Trust me, the Son of God would know better than to commit such a flagrant party foul.

And speaking of the Bible, it’s interesting to note that although the Bible does say “A man should not lie with a man as he lies with a woman,” at no point does the Bible say “A woman should not lie with a woman as she lies with a man.” Go look it up – I ain’t lying. So apparently, God digs lesbians. Which ties nicely together with God’s approval of alcohol consumption, ‘cause the Bible never forbids drunken threesomes either.

My theory on all this: Man wrote the Bible thousands of years ago – before the invention of TV, indoor lighting, nachos, No Limit Texas Hold ’Em Poker, tittie bars, or Italian restaurants. Basically, the only form of entertainment back then was alcohol… and the human body. Furthermore, only the wealthiest in society could afford to learn how to read & write and afford multiple wives. Which means that the early authors of the Bible were rich men with many wives. They lived in a backwater society in the middle of the desert, stuck in a primitive popup tent – tending to their livestock, far away from everyone else. Well, what do YOU think these people did for fun? Right – they got drunk and fucked their wives.

Which the Bible approves of, naturally.



Sheila said...

Dear David:
I am a recovering alcoholic 18+ mos & a born-again 'renewed' Christian.
The scripture you mentioned, of Christ turning water into wine, was always a favourite quote of mine, while waiting for a refill !
However, research has shown, that in those days, wine was fermented, but not necessarily to the degree it is today. In addition to the fact that they didn't have modern sanitation, therefore their water often was filled with bacteria, viruses & all types of contaminants, similar to what is the same in many third-world countries today.
It is incorrect for us to say, Christ just made grape juice, but, it is also incorrect to say that it was the same alcohol strength preferred today. It was in fact, (based on historical studies) about the same percentage as many wines sold with a moderate 1-3% Alcohol content.
And yes, scripture does not necessarily forbid Christians from drinking beer, wine or any other beverage containing alcohol.
It is not, in and of itself, tainted by sin. It has however, become a highly favoured tool of Satan's Minions. Resulting in drunkness, abusive behaviour, brawls etc., which Christians must absolutely refrain from (ref: Ephesians 5:18;).

Presently, much of society, have inherited a drinking ability/desire/passion from ancestors. Be it good, bad or whatever.
(Now, you may be bored so far! But, please pay attention to the following!)

My late husband & I, were active drinkers for 30 yrs. Never drunk or this weird 'binging'. Well educated, good careers/employment, excellent health, active in all sports activities. Just generally A-1 citizens & both raised in Christian homes.
Then suddenly, without any warning at all, our health was near completely destroyed, along with our lives.
We were each hit with permanent Grand-Mal Seizures, with no cure as of todays date.
This is only one of many health afflictions Liquor freely gives out as it see's fit!

Since my hubby's unexpected death, also 18 mos ago, I've been busy trying to spread this warning.
Meeting many individuals who are ashamed to relay their story to others. Some with the same affliction as ours, many with near complete deafness, some blindness, destroyed livers on waiting lists for transplant & also, good old Heart Conditions aka: Attacks also on transplant waiting lists.
And all with near identical healthy history/life styles as ourselves.

Well, I've used up a lot of your space, and I apologize for that.
Please let me know should you wish any further information, or further Bible sciptures, which there are many, on this subject.

But David, this is only one of many acute destructive current problems in this freaking world of ours, as I'm sure you're aware of.
And this one, mine, I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, I can guarantee you that right now !!

Sheila J.G.

Johnny "Knucklefish" David said...

But if God didn't want us to drink alcohol, then why would He have given ugly people sex organs?

It doesnt make any sense.